Approach for building Services-Oriented systems adaptable

TitreApproach for building Services-Oriented systems adaptable
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsElmagrouni, I, Lethrech, M, Kenzi, A, Kriouile, A
Conference NameInternational Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems -Proceedings

the idea of Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) is to understand users' requirements for Service-Based Applications (SBAs). We propose an adaptation-centric approach which allows: (i) modeling users' requirements for Service-Oriented System with the MAP formalism using an Intentional Service Model (ISM); (ii) ontology and the aspect according to the contextual changes in order to inject it in the process BPEL; and (iii) provides architecture for a support tool. We validate our approach by performing experiments on an e-tourism application. The result is an adaptation framework that can guide software engineers in developing adaptable service-based applications. © 2016 IEEE.




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