On Multi-Label Classification for Non-Intrusive Load Identification using Low Sampling Frequency Datasets

TitreOn Multi-Label Classification for Non-Intrusive Load Identification using Low Sampling Frequency Datasets
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsAhajjam, MA, Essayeh, C, Ghogho, M, Kobbane, A
Conference NameConference Record - IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference
Mots-clésAggregate consumption, Classification (of information), Electric consumption, Load identification, Machine learning models, Measurement, Multi label classification, Non-intrusive, Nonintrusive load monitoring, Sampling frequencies

Non-intrusive load monitoring (NILM) aims to infer information about the electric consumption of individual loads using the premises' aggregate consumption. In this work, we target supervised multi-label classification for non-intrusive load identification. We describe how we have created a new dataset from Moroccan households using a low sampling frequency. Then, we analyze the performance of three machine learning models for NILM, and investigate the impact of signal input length on performance. © 2021 IEEE.




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