Algorithms to analyze the impact of change on Enterprise Architecture

TitreAlgorithms to analyze the impact of change on Enterprise Architecture
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsKawtar, I, Karim, D, Salah, B
Conference NameProcedia Computer Science
Mots-clésAbstracting, Abstraction level, Change, Change impact analysis, Change impacts, enterprise architecture, Impact analysis, Impact of changes, Target state, Turbulence

Currently, the organizations are constantly confronted with rapid and radical changes, making the company in turbulence that requires a transformation from a state to a target state. This turbulence needs agility on the part of companies, i.e. the ability to monitor their environment and be ready to react. Enterprise architecture needs transformation if its levels of abstraction are affected by its changes, so enterprise architecture needs to be agile to evolve over time. To measure the impact of change on the abstraction levels. This article proposes different algorithms to proceed to the change impact analysis in the different abstraction levels to be able to analyze the change impact of different projects on the elements of the enterprise architecture and to make it agile. © 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.




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