A MicroGrid System Infrastructure Implementing IoT/Big-Data Technologies for Efficient Energy Management in Buildings

TitreA MicroGrid System Infrastructure Implementing IoT/Big-Data Technologies for Efficient Energy Management in Buildings
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsElmouatamid, A, NaitMalek, Y, Ouladsine, R, Bakhouya, M, N. kamoun, E, Khaidar, M, Zine-Dine, K
JournalGreen Energy and Technology
Mots-clésData gathering, Data handling, Data technologies, energy efficiency, Energy efficient, Energy efficient building, Energy utilization, Information and Communication Technologies, Intelligent buildings, Internet of things, Micro-grid systems, Microgrids, Monitoring, Reducing energy consumption, Renewable energy resources, Renewable energy source, Virtual storage

Recent studies showed that energy consumption in buildings could be efficiently reduced by including recent IoT (Internet of Things) and Big-Data technologies into microgrid systems. In fact, three major aspects could be further considered for reducing energy consumption while maintaining a suitable occupants’ comfort, (i) integrating renewable energy sources and storage devices, (ii) integrating programmable and less-energy-consuming equipment, and (iii) deploying innovative information and communication technologies. These aspects might contribute substantially to the improvement of winning and saving energy toward smart and energy-efficient buildings. In this chapter, a microgrid system infrastructure is developed together with a platform for data gathering, monitoring, and processing. We put more emphasis on microgrid systems as crucial infrastructures for leveraging energy-efficient and smart buildings by developing and deploying a holistic IoT/Big-Data platform in which sensing and actuation tasks are performed according to the actual contextual changes. Scenarios are presented in order to show the usefulness of this holistic platform for monitoring, data processing, and control in energy-efficient buildings. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.




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