Intermediary Technical Interoperability Component TIC Connecting Heterogeneous Federation Systems

TitreIntermediary Technical Interoperability Component TIC Connecting Heterogeneous Federation Systems
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsL’Amrani, H, Y. Idrissi, EBouzekri E, Ajhoun, R
JournalStudies in Computational Intelligence

The spread of digital identity raises many new opportunities and challenges concerning identity. A set of identity management systems has been developed to handle such identities. The aim is both to enhance the end-user experience and to provide secure access for users. Nowadays, we have a large number of heterogeneous identity management initiatives. Proof of its eligibility for identity management is provided under the federation system. The strength of security domains within federated systems is a trusted agreement between communicating entities. However, Federated systems are challenged by the interoperability issue across those federated heterogeneous systems. This work aims to provide a technical interoperability approach for the different federations. The researchers are offering a technical interoperability component TIC, as a midway tool that will enable identity data to be interchanged between heterogeneous federations in total transparency. © 2021, The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.




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