Evaluating Ongoing Decision Support System: A Case Study

TitreEvaluating Ongoing Decision Support System: A Case Study
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsBoukhayma, K, Idrissi, MAJ, Benhiba, L
Conference NameACM International Conference Proceeding Series
Mots-clésDecision makers, Decision making, Decision support systems, Evaluation criteria, Intelligent systems, Three axes

The aim of this paper is to put into practice a framework we proposed in an earlier work for evaluating on-going decision support systems. The framework serves as a base for a method to compute evaluation criteria scores using an AHP model. The paper also illustrates the automation of this method into a tool to enable GASCO company to choose between two already implemented DSSs in order to reduce IT operating cost. The evaluation covers three axes: Process, outcome and decision maker metrics. The results highlight the importance of using users' learning as a measure to determine DSS success. © 2020 ACM.




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