Security in MANETs: The Blockchain Issue

TitreSecurity in MANETs: The Blockchain Issue
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsMouchfiq, N, Benjbara, C, Habbani, A
JournalCommunications in Computer and Information Science
Mots-clésBlockchain, Data communication systems, Data Sharing, Independent control, Internet of things, Mobile ad hoc networks, Mobile security, Network security, Security features, Team working

With the emergence of the IoT (Internet of Things) technology, security features must take into account the developments and possible uses. The blockchain is considered as a new technology devoted to data sharing, it allows to guarantee the integrity of data by IoT devices thanks to intelligent contracts allowing to verify and enforce the conditions of the monitored goods during their processing. In our work, we will address the security of Blockchain-based systems and networks to improve and simplify the communication of messages and informations, using the most innovative and sophisticated processes and a form of device independent control. In order to do so, we will analyse the solutions advanced by researchers from all over the world who are dedicated to guaranteeing a good state of security on these networks. Finally, our manuscript will present an approach to enhance security which is founded on the Blockchain principle and which we have entitled “MPR Blockchain”. This solution proves to be the most appropriate to our requirements and expectations as a team working within IoT systems and especially ad hoc networks. © 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.




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