A New Approach for a Dynamic Enterprise Architecture Model using Ontology and Case-based Reasoning

TitreA New Approach for a Dynamic Enterprise Architecture Model using Ontology and Case-based Reasoning
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsEttahiri, I, Doumi, K, Falih, N
Conference NameInternational Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, ICEIS - Proceedings
Mots-clésBusiness continuity plans, Case based reasoning, Casebased reasonings (CBR), Changing environment, Disaster recovery plan, enterprise architecture, Enterprise architecture modeling, Enterprise ontology, Memory architecture, New approaches, Ontology, Ontology's, Ontology-based

To meet the demands of a dynamic and constantly changing environment, (DRP) Disaster Recovery Plans, (BCP) Business Continuity Plans, change management, agile activities, and best practice guides are developed with the ultimate objective of providing enterprises with the tools to deal with change rapidly and flexibly. Starting from the premise that Enterprise architecture remains the instrument ensuring this alignment Strategy//business//IT, dynamic aspects should be present in the EA representation but also should be perceived in the reaction of enterprises managing the change. On the other hand, ontologies offer a formal and a shared representation of the domain studied; EA in our case. Once formalized, the representation became computable so, all the EA reactions became dynamic towards the triggers of change. To benefit from the previous experiences, Case-based reasoning is introduced in our approach allowing a problem resolution via similarity and adaptation of knowledge to the current context. Copyright © 2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved.




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