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A. Elkandoussi et Elbakkali, H., « On access control requirements for inter-organizational workflow », in Proceedings of the 4th Edition of National Security Days, JNS4 2014, 2014.
A. Elkandoussi, Elbakkali, H., et Elhilali, N., « Toward resolving access control policy conflict in inter-organizational workflows », in Proceedings of IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, AICCSA, 2016, vol. 2016-July.
H. Elkhoukhi, NaitMalek, Y., Berouine, A., Bakhouya, M., Elouadghiri, D., et Essaaidi, M., « Towards a Real-time Occupancy Detection Approach for Smart Buildings », in Procedia Computer Science, 2018, vol. 134, p. 114-120.
H. Elkhoukhi, NaitMalek, Y., Bakhouya, M., Berouine, A., Kharbouch, A., Lachhab, F., Hanifi, M., D. Ouadghiri, E., et Essaaidi, M., « A platform architecture for occupancy detection using stream processing and machine learning approaches », Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, vol. 32, 2020.
A. Elkhyari et Bellabdaoui, A., « Combining constraint programming and genetic algorithm for dynamic scheduling problems », in 2017 International Colloquium on Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Competitiveness and Innovation in Automobile and Aeronautics Industries, LOGISTIQUA 2017, 2017, p. 19-24.
H. Elkoubaiti et Mrabet, R., « A Survey of Pedagogical Affordances of Augmented and Virtual Realities Technologies in loT - Based Classroom », in Colloquium in Information Science and Technology, CIST, 2018, vol. 2018-October, p. 334-341.
H. Elkoubaiti et Mrabet, R., « How are augmented and virtual reality used in smart classrooms? », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2018, p. 189-196.
H. Elkoubaiti et Mrabet, R., « Key elements of educational augmented and virtual reality applications », Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol. 111, p. 100-105, 2019.
M. Elmaallam et Kriouile, A., « Model ISR3M for assessing maturity of IS risk management process: Case study », in CiSt 2012 - Proceedings: 2012 Colloquium in Information Science and Technology, 2012, p. 16-21.
M. Elmaallam et Kriouile, A., « Model ISR3M for assessing maturity of IS risk management process Case study », in 2012 COLLOQUIUM ON INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (CIST'12), 2011, p. 16-21.
Ma Elmachkour, Kobbane, Aac, Sabir, Eb, Ben-Othman, Jc, et Koutbi, MaEl, « Data traffic-based analysis of delay and energy consumption in cognitive radio networks with and without resource reservation », International Journal of Communication Systems, vol. 28, p. 1316-1328, 2015.
M. Elmachkour, Kobbane, A., Sabir, E., et Koutbi, M. E., « New insights from a delay analysis for cognitive radio networks with and without reservation », in IWCMC 2012 - 8th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, 2012, p. 65-70.
Ma Elmachkour, Sabir, Eb, Kobbane, Aa, Ben-Othman, Jc, et Koutbi, MaEl, « The greening of spectrum sensing: A minority game-based mechanism design », IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 52, p. 150-156, 2014.
M. Elmachkour, Sabir, E., Kobbane, A., Ben-Othman, J., et Koutbi, M. El, « The Greening of Spectrum Sensing: A Minority Game-Based Mechanism Design », IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, vol. 52, p. 150-156, 2014.
M. Elmachkour, Daha, I., Sabir, E., Kobbane, A., et Ben-Othman, J., « Green Opportunistic Access for Cognitive Radio Networks: A Minority Game Approach », in 2014 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATIONS (ICC), 2014, p. 5372-5377.
M. Elmachkour, Kobbane, A., Sabir, E., Ben-Othman, J., et Koutbi, M. El, « Data traffic-based analysis of delay and energy consumption in cognitive radio networks with and without resource reservation », INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, vol. 28, p. 1316-1328, 2015.
Ma Elmachkour, Daha, Ib, Sabir, Ec, Kobbane, Aad, et Ben-Othman, Jd, « Green opportunistic access for cognitive radio networks: A minority game approach », in 2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC 2014, 2014, p. 5372-5377.
M. Elmachkour, Kobbane, A., Sabir, E., et Koutbi, M. El, « New Insights from a Delay Analysis for Cognitive Radio Networks with and without Reservation », in 2012 8TH INTERNATIONAL WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AND MOBILE COMPUTING CONFERENCE (IWCMC), 2012, p. 65-70.
I. Elmagrouni, Lethrech, M., Kenzi, A., et Kriouile, A., « Approach for building Services-Oriented systems adaptable », in International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems -Proceedings, 2017, p. 183-188.
Ia Elmagrouni, Kenzi, Ab, Lethrech, Ma, et Kriouile, Aa, « A development process for adaptable services-oriented systems », International Review on Computers and Software, vol. 10, p. 773-783, 2015.
I. Elmagrouni, Lethrech, M., Kenzi, A., et Kriouile, A., « Process 3TUP », in 2013 3RD INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ISKO-MAGHREB, 2013.
Ia Elmagrouni, Kenzi, Ab, Lethrech, Ma, et Kriouile, Aa, « Adaptation services-oriented systems lifecycle », in ICEIS 2016 - Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, 2016, vol. 1, p. 223-231.
Ba Elmaroud, Faqihi, Aab, Abbad, Ma, et Aboutajdine, Da, « On the impact of prototype filter length on the PAPR reduction of FBMC signals », International Journal of Engineering and Technology, vol. 6, p. 1951-1960, 2014.
Ba Elmaroud, Faqihi, Ab, Abbad, Ma, et Aboutajdine, Da, « PAPR reduction of FBMC signals by combining exponential companding and hadamard transforms », in 2014 International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications, ISNCC 2014, 2014.
B. Elmaroud, Faqihi, A., Abbad, M., et Aboutajdine, D., « Theoretical Analysis of SINR Performance for Unsynchronized and Nonlinearly Distorted FBMC Signals », in PROCEEDINGS OF THE MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES 2015, VOL 1, 2016, vol. 380, p. 345-353.




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