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Conference Paper
H. Kriouile, B. Asri, E., M. Haloui, E., et Benali, A., « Towards deployment of a user-aware tenancy using rich-variant components for SaaS applications », in Proceedings of 2015 International Conference on Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications, CloudTech 2015, 2015.
H. Kriouile, Asri, B. El, Haloui, M. 'barekEl, et Benali, A., « Towards Deployment of a User-Aware Tenancy Using Rich-Variant Components for SaaS Applications », in 2015 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CLOUD TECHNOLOGIES AND APPLICATIONS (CLOUDTECH 15), 2015, p. 50-55.
J. Bahadi, Asri, B. E., Courtine, M., Rhanoui, M., et Kergosien, Y., « Towards efficient big data: Hadoop data placing and processing », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2018, p. 42-47.
H. Kriouile, Asri, B. El, et Haloui, M. 'barekEl, « Towards Flexible and Reusable SaaS for Multi-tenancy To design, implement and bind multi-functional variability for Rich-Variant services », in 2014 SECOND WORLD CONFERENCE ON COMPLEX SYSTEMS (WCCS), 2014, p. 164-170.
E. L. Bassiti et Ajhoun, R., « Towards innovation excellence: Why and how to measure innovation performance? », in Proceedings - 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for the Muslim World, ICT4M 2016, 2016, p. 99-104.
E. L. Bassiti et Ajhoun, R., « Towards innovation excellence: Why and how to measure innovation performance? », in Proceedings - 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for the Muslim World, ICT4M 2016, 2017, p. 99-104.
A. Haqiq et Bounabat, B., « Towards integration of fault tolerance in agent-based systems », in Procedia Computer Science, 2018, vol. 127, p. 264-273.
M. M. Kabbaj et A. Afia, E., « Towards learning integral strategy of branch and bound », in International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems -Proceedings, 2017, p. 621-626.
R. Saidil, Fredj, M., Mouline, S., Front, A., et Rieu, D., « Towards managing variability across business component development », in IRI 2007: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2007 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION REUSE AND INTEGRATION, 2007, p. 594+.
A. Khannat, Sbaï, H., et Kjiri, L., « Towards mining semantically enriched configurable process models », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2020, p. 20-24.
W. Gaaloul, Baina, K., et Godart, C., « Towards mining structural workflow patterns », in DATABASE AND EXPERT SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS, PROCEEDINGS, 2005, vol. 3588, p. 24-33.
S. Sadki et Bakkali, H. El, « Towards negotiable privacy policies in Mobile Healthcare », in FIFTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE INNOVATIVE COMPUTING TECHNOLOGY (INTECH 2015), 2015, p. 94-99.
S. Sadki et Bakkali, H. E., « Towards negotiable privacy policies in mobile healthcare », in 5th International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology, INTECH 2015, 2015, p. 94-99.
M. Bensaid et Baina, S., « Towards smart government with a theoretical strategy model », in 14th IADIS International Conference Information Systems 2021, IS 2021, 2021, p. 170-176.
B. Faqihi, Daoudi, N., et Ajhoun, R., « Towards the implementation of semantic interoperability of information systems via technique of matching: Issue and prospective », in 2012 International Conference on Interactive Mobile and Computer Aided Learning, IMCL 2012, 2012, p. 134-140.
B. Faqihi, Daoudi, N., et Ajhoun, R., « Towards the implementation of semantic interoperability of information systems via technique of matching: Issue and prospective », in 2012 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTERACTIVE MOBILE AND COMPUTER AIDED LEARNING (IMCL), 2012, p. 134-140.
Y. Saissi, Zellou, A., et Idri, A., « Towards XML schema extraction from deep web », in Colloquium in Information Science and Technology, CIST, 2017, p. 94-99.
Y. Saissi, Zellou, A., et Idri, A., « Towards XML schema extraction from deep web », in Colloquium in Information Science and Technology, CIST, 2017, p. 94-99.
Ya Laghouaouta, Anwar, Ab, et Nassar, Ma, « A traceability approach for model composition », in Proceedings of IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, AICCSA, 2013.
Y. Laghouaouta, Anwar, A., et Nassar, M., « A Traceability Approach for Model Composition », in 2013 ACS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS (AICCSA), 2013.
Ya Jamoussi, Coulette, Bb, et Nassar, Mc, « Track report of conference on collaborative software process (CSP 2014) », in Proceedings of the Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, WETICE, 2014, p. 293.
Y. Jamoussi, Coulette, B., et Nassar, M., « Track Report of CSP Track of WETICE-2014 », in 2014 IEEE 23RD INTERNATIONAL WETICE CONFERENCE (WETICE), 2014, p. 293.
H. Boutaina, Rachid, O. H. T., et Mohammed, E. H. T., « Tracking multiple people in real time based on their trajectory », in 2013 8th International Conference on Intelligent Systems: Theories and Applications, SITA 2013, 2013.
H. Boutaina, Raj, O., Rachid, T., et Mohammed, E. Raj Tirari, « Tracking multiple people in real time based on their trajectory », in 2013 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS: THEORIES AND APPLICATIONS (SITA), 2013.
A. Ezzahout, Thami, R. Oulad Haj, et Hadi, Y., « Tracking People Through Selected Blocks Using Correlation and Optimized Similarity Measure OSSD », in 2013 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS: THEORIES AND APPLICATIONS (SITA), 2013.




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