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Conference Paper
A. Er-Rady, Faizi, R., Thami, R. O. H., et Housni, H., « Automatic sign language recognition: A survey », in Proceedings - 3rd International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Signal and Image Processing, ATSIP 2017, 2017.
A. Ezzahout, Youssef, H. M., et Thami, R. O. H., « Detection evaluation and testing region incoming people's in a simple camera view », in 2nd International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology, INTECH 2012, 2012, p. 179-183.
S. Benlakhdar, Rziza, M., et Thami, R. O. H., « Directional data classification using a hierarchical model of von Mises distribution », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2017, vol. Part F129474.
A. Iazzi, Rziza, M., et Thami, R. O. H., « Fall detection based on posture analysis and support vector machine », in 2018 4th International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Signal and Image Processing, ATSIP 2018, 2018, p. 1-6.
A. Abouyahya, S. Fkihi, E., Thami, R. O. H., et Aboutajdine, D., « Features extraction for facial expressions recognition », in International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems -Proceedings, 2017, p. 46-49.
F. - E. Badaoui, Boulmakoul, A., et Thami, R. O. H., « Fuzzy Dynamic Centrality for Urban Traffic Resilience », in 2021 International Conference on Data Analytics for Business and Industry, ICDABI 2021, 2021, p. 12-16.
O. Bourja, Kabbaj, K., Derrouz, H., A. Bouziady, E., Thami, R. O. H., Zennayi, Y., et Bourzeix, F., « MoVITS: Moroccan Video Intelligent Transport System », in Colloquium in Information Science and Technology, CIST, 2018, vol. 2018-October, p. 502-507.
H. K. Fezeu, Djotio, T., et Thami, R. O. H., « Safe and irrefutable decentralized communication: Bringing non-repudiation to mesh networks », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2017, vol. Part F129474.
A. Ezzahout, Thami, R. O. H., et Hadi, Y., « Tracking people through selected blocks using correlation and optimized similarity measure OSSD », in 2013 8th International Conference on Intelligent Systems: Theories and Applications, SITA 2013, 2013.
B. Hdioud, Tirari, M. E. H., et Thami, R. O. H., « Trajectories modeling and clustering », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2018.
Journal Article
A. Iazzi, Rziza, M., et Thami, R. O. H., « Efficient fall activity recognition by combining shape and motion features », Computational Visual Media, vol. 6, p. 247-263, 2020.
O. Bourja, Maach, A., Zannouti, Z., Derrouz, H., Mekhzoum, H., Abdelali, H. A., Thami, R. O. H., et Bourzeix, F., « End-to-End Car Make and Model Classification using Compound Scaling and Transfer Learning », International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, vol. 13, p. 994-1001, 2022.
N. Boudad, Ezzahid, S., Faizi, R., et Thami, R. O. H., « Exploring the Use of Word Embedding and Deep Learning in Arabic Sentiment Analysis », Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 1105 AISC, p. 243-253, 2020.
A. Y. Alaoui, Tabii, Y., Thami, R. O. H., Daoudi, M., Berretti, S., et Pala, P., « Fall detection of elderly people using the manifold of positive semidefinite matrices », Journal of Imaging, vol. 7, 2021.
F. - E. Badaoui, Boulmakoul, A., Lbath, A., Thami, R. O. H., Cherradi, G., Karim, L., et Bouziri, A. E., « Fuzzy Centrality Measures: A Survey », Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol. 505 LNNS, p. 646-654, 2022.
Y. Tabii et Thami, R. O. H., « A method for automatic score box detection and text recognition in soccer video », International Review on Computers and Software, vol. 4, p. 188-191, 2009.
H. A. I. T. Abdelali, Derrouz, H., Zennayi, Y., Thami, R. O. H., et Bourzeix, F., « Multiple hypothesis detection and tracking using deep learning for video traffic surveillance », IEEE Access, vol. 9, p. 164282-164291, 2021.
O. Bourja, Derrouz, H., Abdelali, H. A., Maach, A., Thami, R. O. H., et Bourzeix, F., « Real Time Vehicle Detection, Tracking, and Inter-vehicle Distance Estimation based on Stereovision and Deep Learning using Yolov3 », International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, vol. 12, p. 915-923, 2021.
S. Benlakhdar, Rziza, M., et Thami, R. O. H., « A robust model using SIFT and gamma mixture model for texture images classification: Perspectives for medical applications », Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal, vol. 13, p. 1659-1669, 2020.
N. Boudad, Faizi, R., Thami, R. O. H., et Chiheb, R., « Sentiment classification of Arabic tweets: A supervised approach », Journal of Mobile Multimedia, vol. 13, p. 233-243, 2017.
S. Benlakhdar, Rziza, M., et Thami, R. O. H., « Statistical modeling of directional data using a robust hierarchical von mises distribution model: perspectives for wind energy », Computational Statistics, vol. 37, p. 1599-1619, 2022.



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