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M. A. Marhraoui, Idrissi, M. A. J., et A. Manouar, E., « An integrated human-AI Framework towards organizational agility and sustainable performance », in Proceedings - 2021 International Conference on Digital Age and Technological Advances for Sustainable Development, ICDATA 2021, 2021, p. 133-139.
M. A. Marhraoui, Idrissi, M. A. Janati, et A. Manouar, E., « An Integrated Human-AI Framework Towards Organizational Agility and Sustainable Performance », Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol. 393, p. 73-87, 2022.
B. Khaoula, Mohammed, E. A., et Youssef, B., « The integrated multi-plant production routing problem with simultaneous delivery and pickup », in Proceedings - 2020 5th International Conference on Logistics Operations Management, GOL 2020, 2020.
A. Daosabah, Guermah, H., Choukri, I., et Nassar, M., « Integrating Context and Intention for Optimal Semantic Web Service Composition Using AI Planning », in Proceedings - 4th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technologies and Networking, CommNet 2021, 2021.
M. Benkhalifa, Mouradi, A., et Bouyakhf, H., « Integrating external knowledge to supplement training data in semi-supervised learning for text categorization », INFORMATION RETRIEVAL, vol. 4, p. 91-113, 2001.
K. Guilavogui, Kjiri, L., et Fredj, M., « Integrating linked sensor data for on-line analytical processing on-the-fly », in Colloquium in Information Science and Technology, CIST, 2015, vol. 2015-January, p. 43-47.
K. Guilavogui, Kjiri, L., et Fredj, M., « Integrating Linked Sensor Data for On-line Analytical Processing On-The-Fly », in 2014 THIRD IEEE INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM IN INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (CIST'14), 2014, p. 43-47.
B. Chabibi, Douche, A., Anwar, A., et Nassar, M., « Integrating SysML with simulation environments (Simulink) by model transformation approach », in 2016 IEEE 25TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES: INFRASTRUCTURE FOR COLLABORATIVE ENTERPRISES (WETICE), 2016, p. 148-150.
Ba Chabibi, Douche, Ab, Anwar, Ab, et Nassar, Ma, « Integrating SysML with simulation environments (Simulink) by model transformation approach », in Proceedings - 25th IEEE International Conference on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, WETICE 2016, 2016, p. 148-150.
M. Benkhalifa, Mouradi, A., et Bouyakhf, H., « Integrating WordNet knowledge to supplement training data in semi-supervised agglomerative hierarchical clustering for text categorization », INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS, vol. 16, p. 929-947, 2001.
M. Benkhalifa, Mouradi, A., et Bouyakhf, H., « Integrating WordNet knowledge to supplement training data in semi-supervised agglomerative hierarchical clustering for text categorization. », International Journal of Intelligent Systems, vol. 16, p. 929 - 947, 2001.
N. Lakki, Ouacha, A., Habbani, A., et J. Abbadi, E., « The integration ofthe speedof mobilityin the selection OFMPR to improve theqosin ad hoc networks », Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, vol. 36, p. 217-226, 2012.
T. Fissaa, Guermah, H., Hamlaoui, M. E. L., Hafiddi, H., et Nassar, M., « An intelligent approach for context-aware service selection using machine learning », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2018.
H. G. Merabet, Essaaidi, M., Ben Haddou, M., Qolomany, B., Qadir, J., Anan, M., Al-Fuqaha, A., Abid, M. R., et Benhaddou, D., « Intelligent building control systems for thermal comfort and energy-efficiency: A systematic review of artificial intelligence-assisted techniques », Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 144, 2021.
T. Rachad et Idri, A., « Intelligent Mobile Applications: A Systematic Mapping Study », Mobile Information Systems, vol. 2020, 2020.
A. Yassine, Mohamed, L., et M. Achhab, A., « Intelligent recommender system based on unsupervised machine learning and demographic attributes », Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, vol. 107, 2021.
C. Gong, Yue, X., Wang, X., Dai, X., Zou, R., et Essaaidi, M., « Intelligent Reflecting Surface Aided Secure Communications for NOMA Networks », IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 71, p. 2761-2773, 2022.
M. Sarhani et Afia, A. El, « Intelligent System Based Support Vector Regression For Supply Chain Demand Forecasting », in 2014 SECOND WORLD CONFERENCE ON COMPLEX SYSTEMS (WCCS), 2014, p. 79-83.
M. Sarhani et A. Afia, E., « Intelligent system based support vector regression for supply chain demand forecasting », in 2014 2nd World Conference on Complex Systems, WCCS 2014, 2014, p. 79-83.
A. Hamlili, « Intelligibility of Erdös-Rényi random graphs and time varying social network modeling », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2017, vol. Part F130526, p. 201-206.
S. Alaoui, Idrissi, Y. El Bouzekr, et Ajhoun, R., « Intentional approach to improve the discovery of Web services », in INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER VISION AND IMAGE ANALYSIS APPLICATIONS, 2015.
Sa Alaoui, Idrissi, Y. E. BbEl, et Ajhoun, Ra, « Intentional approach to improve the discovery of Web services », in Proceedings - International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Analysis Applications, ICCVIA 2015, 2015.
J. Elhachmi et Cheikhani, Y., « Interactive Large-Scale Graph Visualization and Analysis for Social Networks », Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol. 455 LNNS, p. 456-465, 2022.
S. Slimani, Baina, S., et Baina, K., « Interactive ontology evolution management using mutli-agent system: A proposal for sustainability of semantic interoperability in SOA », in Proceedings of the 2011 20th IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, WETICE 2011, 2011, p. 41-46.
S. Slimani, Baina, S., et Baina, K., « Interactive ontology evolution management using mutli-agent system A proposal for sustainability of semantic interoperability in SOA », in 2011 20TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOPS ON ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES: INFRASTRUCTURE FOR COLLABORATIVE ENTERPRISES (WETICE), 2011, p. 41-46.




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