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A. Boualouch, Essadki, A., Nasser, T., Frigui, A., et Boukhriss, A., « Adrc performance in power control of dfig used in wind turbine during grid voltage fault 1 », International Journal of Control and Automation, vol. 11, p. 43-56, 2018.
C. Haitam, Ahmed, E., et Tamou, N., « Advanced modified direct torque control with space vector modulation based on active disturbance rejection control for induction motor sensorless drive », International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, vol. 9, p. 13-19, 2020.
R. Zarnoufi, Boutbi, M., et Abik, M., « AI to prevent cyber-violence: Harmful behaviour detection in social media », International Journal of High Performance Systems Architecture, vol. 9, p. 182-191, 2020.
M. Habba, Fredj, M., et Chaouni, S. B., « Aligning Software System Level with Business Process Level through Model-Driven Architecture », International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, vol. 12, p. 174-183, 2021.
S. B. Chaouni, Habba, M., et Fredj, M., « Alignment of Software System Level with Business Process Level: Resolving Syntactic and Semantic Conflicts », International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, vol. 13, p. 251-262, 2022.
Aa Idri, Amazal, F. Aa, et Abran, Ab, « Analogy-based software development effort estimation: A systematic mapping and review », Information and Software Technology, vol. 58, p. 206-230, 2015.
A. Idri, Amazal, F. Azzahra, et Abran, A., « Analogy-based software development effort estimation: A systematic mapping and review », INFORMATION AND SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY, vol. 58, p. 206-230, 2015.
Aa Idri, Amazal, F. Aa, et Abran, Ab, « Analogy-based software development effort estimation: A systematic mapping and review », Information and Software Technology, 2014.
E. M. Ouahabi, Dkiouak, A., Zakriti, A., Essaaidi, M., et Elftouh, H., « Analysis and design of a compact ultra-wideband antenna with WLAN and X-band satellite notch », International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol. 10, p. 4261-4269, 2020.
J. Lakhrouit et Baina, K., « Analysis and implementation of the impact of change: Application to heterogeneity algorithms in enterprise architecture », International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol. 10, p. 377-386, 2020.
M. Ayache, Erradi, M., Khoumsi, A., et Freisleben, B., « ANALYSIS AND VERIFICATION OF XACML POLICIES IN A MEDICAL CLOUD ENVIRONMENT », Scalable Computing-Practice and Experience, vol. 17, p. 189-205, 2016.
Ma Ayache, Erradi, Ma, Khoumsi, Ab, et Freisleben, Bc, « Analysis and verification of XACML policies in a medical cloud environment », Scalable Computing, vol. 17, p. 189-205, 2016.
M. Ayache, Erradi, M., Khoumsi, A., et Freisleben, B., « ANALYSIS AND VERIFICATION OF XACML POLICIES IN A MEDICAL CLOUD ENVIRONMENT. », Scalable Computing: Practice & Experience, vol. 17, p. 189 - 205, 2016.
E. Illi, Bouanani, F. E., Sofotasios, P. C., Muhaidat, S., Costa, D. B. D., Ayoub, F., et Al-Fuqaha, A., « Analysis of Asymmetric Dual-Hop Energy Harvesting-Based Wireless Communication Systems in Mixed Fading Environments », IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, vol. 5, p. 261-277, 2021.
N. Assad, Elbhiri, B., Faqihi, M. Ahmed, Ouadou, M., et Aboutajdine, D., « Analysis of the Deployment Quality for Intrusion Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks. », Journal of Computer Networks & Communications, vol. 2015, p. 1 - 7, 2015.
N. Assad, Elbhiri, B., Faqihi, M. Ahmed, Ouadou, M., et Aboutajdine, D., « Analysis of the Deployment Quality for Intrusion Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks », JOURNAL OF COMPUTER NETWORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS, 2015.
Na Assad, Elbhiri, Bb, Faqihi, M. Ac, Ouadou, Ma, et Aboutajdine, Da, « Analysis of the deployment quality for intrusion detection in wireless sensor networks », Journal of Computer Networks and Communications, vol. 2015, 2015.
N. Drissi, Ouhbi, S., Idrissi, M. A. Janati, et Ghogho, M., « An analysis on self-management and treatment-related functionality and characteristics of highly rated anxiety apps », International Journal of Medical Informatics, vol. 141, 2020.
N. Drissi, Ouhbi, S., Idrissi, M. Abdou Jana, et Ghogho, M., « An analysis on self-management and treatment-related functionality and characteristics of highly rated anxiety apps », International Journal of Medical Informatics, vol. 141, p. 104243, 2020.
H. Rezzouqi, Gryech, I., Sbihi, N., Ghogho, M., et Benbrahim, H., « Analyzing the accuracy of historical average for urban traffic forecasting using google maps », Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 868, p. 1145-1156, 2018.
A. Benlarabi, Khtira, A., et B. Asri, E., « Analyzing trends in software product lines evolution using a cladistics based approach », Information (Switzerland), vol. 6, p. 550-563, 2015.
M. Taha Benslimane et Benadada, Y., « Ant colony algorithm for the multi-depot vehicle routing problem in large quantities by a heterogeneous fleet of vehicles. », INFOR, vol. 51, p. 31 - 40, 2013.
M. Taha Benslimane et Benadada, Y., « Ant Colony Algorithm for the Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem in Large Quantities by a Heterogeneous Fleet of Vehicles », INFOR, vol. 51, p. 31-40, 2013.
K. Ouaddi, Benadada, Y., et Mhada, F. - Z., « Ant colony system for dynamic vehicle routing problem with overtime », International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, vol. 9, p. 306-315, 2018.
J. Baltzegar, J. Barnes, C., Elsensohn, J. E., Gutzmann, N., Jones, M. S., King, S., et Sudweeks, J., « Anticipating complexity in the deployment of gene drive insects in agriculture », Journal of Responsible Innovation, vol. 5, p. S81-S97, 2018.




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