Multi-agent approach for collaborative authoring and indexing of pedagogical materials

TitreMulti-agent approach for collaborative authoring and indexing of pedagogical materials
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsBourekkache, S, Kazar, O, Abik, M
JournalInternational Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning
Mots-clésCollaborative authoring, Computer aided instruction, E-learning environment, Educational materials, Learning contents, Learning materials, Learning objectives, Multi agent systems, Multi-agent approach

In e-learning environment, the learner may feel that he is isolated and disoriented because of the absence of the teacher and the huge number of materials. Moreover, the pedagogical documents have several characteristics so that we must offer the appropriate documents for each learner according to his level, characteristics, and preferences…, etc. Consequently, the adaption of the learning content is an important technique. Creating materials, without additional information, makes the delivering of relevant material an impossible task. Consequently, one has to pay attention to the stage of creating of learning content using new technics. In addition, it may not be convenient if we haven’t additional information about the learner and the learning material (learning objective, prerequisites, and learner background…, etc.). Therefore, we develop a multi-agent system that supports a set of authors who create and index educational materials. The indexes are used to manipulate the learning content efficiently by the machine when choosing the appropriate content to satisfy the needs of heterogeneous learners. Copyright © 2020 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.




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