Compétition IOT: Prix du meilleur prototype

L'équipe des étudiants Master IOSM a reçu le prix du meilleur prototype durant la compétition en Internet des objets organisée à la FST -Fès le 31 octobre 2019.

 · Title of the project :  "RFID Authentication and Face Recognition System"
 · Members of  the group :  Akram FARIS , Mohammed BENALI, Hamza DOUYRY , Mouhsine ELACHBI
 · Encadrants: Abdellatif Kobbane & Omar El Kadmiri 
Master Internet des objets et services mobiles (IOSM)
· ABSTRACT:  Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Facial Recognition (Facial) technology have evolved rapidly in recent years and are used in many applications, such as access control and communication. validation of presence. RFID is a method for remotely storing and retrieving data. The system is activated by electromagnetic energy transfer between a radio tag and an RFID transmitter. The radio tag composed of  an electronic chip and an antenna receives the radio signal emitted by the reader also equipped with RFID technology. The components make it possible both to read and respond to the signals, where it can be used for example by the trainees to validate their presence in a company, for the visitors to control their access in this latter. As long as the facial recognition systems are  automated systems capable of identifying individuals according to the characteristics of their face such as the separation of the eyes, the edges of the nose, the commissars of the lips, the ears, chin, etc .... That's why it is recommended that we use this technology for executives of a society where he can just validate their presence by presenting their face to a camera.
 Our work then focuses on the design and development of a system allowing both intelligent monitoring and validation of the presence in a given locality that we decided to adapt our project with society as a local, with the possibility to integrate the authentication feature by face recognition or RFID tag and all these are connected to a "cloud" of this local that will collect data from these systems and transfer them to this cloud, all this to bring the appearance of the Internet of Things (IOT) into our project.



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