A novel interconnection technique using zero-degree phase shifting microstrip TL for RF QFN package at S-band

TitreA novel interconnection technique using zero-degree phase shifting microstrip TL for RF QFN package at S-band
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsAoutoul, M, Haddad, A, Essaaidi, M, Faqir, M
JournalProgress in Electromagnetics Research Letters

In this paper, we propose a novel interconnection technique for a flip-chip quad flat no-lead (FC QFN) package which can decrease the amount of the transmission line (TL) phase shift. The RF die inputs and outputs (I/O) are connected to the package lead fingers by a small size, 1000 µm length, microstrip line having a gap capacitor consisting of staked plates (fingers) where the space in between is filled by a ceramic material of 10.2 dielectric constant value. This technique can reduce the effect of transmission line inductance and makes the novel package interconnection behaving as a composite left right handed (CLRH) TL; hence, one can set the TL phase shift to zero degree at the desired operating frequency band (i.e., S-band) by just tuning geometrical and/or physical interconnection structure parameters. © 2017, Electromagnetics Academy. All rights reserved.




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