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L. B. Hiba et Idrissi, M. A. J., « An SNA-based evaluation framework for virtual Teams », in Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, ASONAM 2012, 2012, p. 948-953.
O. Hebroune et Benhiba, L., « User-Enriched Embedding for Fake News Detection on Social Media », Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol. 489 LNNS, p. 581-599, 2022.
Ba Hdioud, Thami, RaOulad Haj, et Tirari, MbEl Haj, « Video-surveillance system for tracking a person by estimating the trajectory », Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, vol. 57, p. 523-529, 2013.
B. Hdioud, Tirari, M. E. H., et Thami, R. O. H., « Trajectories modeling and clustering », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2018.
B. Hdioud, M. Tirari, E. Haj, R. Thami, O. Haj, et Faizi, R., « Detecting and shadows in the HSV color space using dynamic thresholds », Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, vol. 7, p. 70-79, 2018.
B. Hdioud, Ezzahout, A., Hadi, Y., Haj, R. Oulad, et , « A Real-Time People Tracking System Based on Trajectory Estimation Using Single Field of Camera View », in 2013 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER APPLICATIONS TECHNOLOGY (ICCAT), 2013.
Ba Hdioud, Ezzahout, Aa, Hadi, Yab, et Thami, R. OaHaj, « A real-time people tracking system based on trajectory estimation using single field of camera view », in International Conference on Computer Applications Technology, ICCAT 2013, 2013.
Ba Hdioud, Tirari, M. E. Hb, et Thami, R. O. Ha, « Video surveillance: Analyzing people's movements in a closed environment », International Review on Computers and Software, vol. 9, p. 495-501, 2014.
R. Hba et A. Manouar, E., « ICT green alignment: Towards a new generation managerial model based on green IT and corporate social responsibility », International Journal of Advanced Computer Research, vol. 8, p. 137-147, 2018.
R. Hba, Idrissi, M. A. J., Ghaib, M. K. El, et A. Manouar, E., « ICT sustainable management: Towards a better alignment with the sustainable development strategy », International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration, vol. 7, p. 165-181, 2020.
R. Hayat, Sabir, E., Badidi, E., et Elkoutbi, M., « A signaling game-based approach for Data-as-a-Service provisioning in IoT-Cloud », Future Generation Computer Systems, 2017.
R. Hayat, Sabir, E., Badidi, E., et Elkoutbi, M., « A signaling game-based approach for Data-as-a-Service provisioning in IoT-Cloud », Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 92, p. 1040-1050, 2019.
H. Hatim, H. Bakkali, E., et Berrada, I., « Workflow access control: From role engineering to task engineering », in 2010 International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions, ICITST 2010, 2010.
H. Hatim, Bakkali, H. E., et Berrada, I., « Enforcing access control in workflow systems with a task engineering approach », International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions, vol. 4, p. 55-70, 2012.
W. Hassen, Neifar, M., Cherif, H., Mahjoubi, M., Souissi, Y., Raddadi, N., Fava, F., et Cherif, A., « Assessment of genetic diversity and bioremediation potential of pseudomonads isolated from pesticide-contaminated artichoke farm soils », 3 Biotech, vol. 8, 2018.
E. I. Hassani, Kriouile, A., et Benghabrit, Y., « Measure of fuzzy presence of descriptors on Arabic Text Mining », in CiSt 2012 - Proceedings: 2012 Colloquium in Information Science and Technology, 2012, p. 58-63.
I. El Hassani, Kriouile, A., et Benghabrit, Y., « Measure of Fuzzy Presence of Descriptors on Arabic Text Mining », in 2012 COLLOQUIUM ON INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (CIST'12), 2011, p. 58-63.
A. Harraz, Bissiriou, C., Cherkaoui, R., et Zbakh, M., « Study of an adaptive approach for a Cloud system implementation », in Proceedings of 2016 International Conference on Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications, CloudTech 2016, 2017, p. 230-236.
E. M. Haroussi, Ayoub, F., et Belkasmi, M., « VHDL design and FPGA implementation of weighted majority logic decoders », in International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems -Proceedings, 2011.
E. M. Haroussi, Chana, I., et Belkasmi, M., « VHDL design and FPGA implementation of a fully parallel BCH SISO decoder », in 2010 5th International Symposium on I/V Communications and Mobile Networks, ISIVC 2010, 2010.
Aa Harbouche, Erradi, Mb, et Kobbane, Ab, « A flexible wireless body sensor network system for health monitoring », in Proceedings of the Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, WETICE, 2013, p. 44-49.
A. Harbouche, Elmachkour, M., Djedi, N., Erradi, M., et Kobbane, A., « Dynamic coalitional matching game approach for fair and swift data-gathering in wireless body sensor networks », in Proceedings - 2017 International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications, WINCOM 2017, 2017.
A. Harbouche, Djedi, N., Erradi, M., Ben-Othman, J., et Kobbane, A., « Model driven flexible design of a wireless body sensor network for health monitoring », Computer Networks, vol. 129, p. 1339-1351, 2017.
Aa Harbouche, Erradi, Mb, et Mokhtari, Ac, « Deriving multi-agent system behavior », International Journal of Software Engineering and its Applications, vol. 7, p. 137-156, 2013.
A. Haqiq et Bounabat, B., « An extended approach for the behavioral and temporal constraints specification of reactive agent », in International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, ISDA, 2016, vol. 2016-June, p. 329-334.




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