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Conference Paper
E. L. Bassiti et Ajhoun, R., « Towards innovation excellence: Why and how to measure innovation performance? », in Proceedings - 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for the Muslim World, ICT4M 2016, 2017, p. 99-104.
H. Kriouile, Asri, B. El, et Haloui, M. 'barekEl, « Towards Flexible and Reusable SaaS for Multi-tenancy To design, implement and bind multi-functional variability for Rich-Variant services », in 2014 SECOND WORLD CONFERENCE ON COMPLEX SYSTEMS (WCCS), 2014, p. 164-170.
J. Bahadi, Asri, B. E., Courtine, M., Rhanoui, M., et Kergosien, Y., « Towards efficient big data: Hadoop data placing and processing », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2018, p. 42-47.
H. Kriouile, B. Asri, E., M. Haloui, E., et Benali, A., « Towards deployment of a user-aware tenancy using rich-variant components for SaaS applications », in Proceedings of 2015 International Conference on Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications, CloudTech 2015, 2015.
H. Kriouile, Asri, B. El, Haloui, M. 'barekEl, et Benali, A., « Towards Deployment of a User-Aware Tenancy Using Rich-Variant Components for SaaS Applications », in 2015 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CLOUD TECHNOLOGIES AND APPLICATIONS (CLOUDTECH 15), 2015, p. 50-55.
S. Sadki et Bakkali, H. El, « Towards controlled-privacy in e-health: A comparative study », in 2014 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MULTIMEDIA COMPUTING AND SYSTEMS (ICMCS), 2014, p. 680-685.
S. Sadki et H. Bakkali, E., « Towards controlled-privacy in e-health: A comparative study », in International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems -Proceedings, 2014, p. 674-679.
M. Rhanoui et Asri, B. E., « Towards contract-based approach for quality-driven Service Component Architecture », in 2nd International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology, INTECH 2012, 2012, p. 377-384.
M. Rhanoui et Asri, B. El, « Towards Contract-Based Approach for Quality-Driven Service Component Architecture », in 2012 SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INNOVATIVE COMPUTING TECHNOLOGY (INTECH), 2012, p. 377-384.
I. Khriss, Koutbi, M. E., et Dkiouak, Y., « Towards change and verification support in collaborative business processes », in Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on Complex Systems, ICCS 2012, 2012.
L. Ben Hiba et Idrissi, M. A. Janati, « Towards an SNA-BI based support system for the structural evaluation of project virtual teams », in 2013 8th International Conference on Intelligent Systems: Theories and Applications, SITA 2013, 2013.
L. Ben Hiba et Idrissi, M. Abdou Jana, « Towards an SNA-BI based support system for the structural evaluation of project virtual teams », in 2013 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS: THEORIES AND APPLICATIONS (SITA), 2013.
B. En-Nasry et Kettani, M. Dafir Ech-, « Towards an Open Framework for Mobile Digital Identity Management through Strong Authentication Methods », in SECURE AND TRUST COMPUTING, DATA MANAGEMENT, AND APPLICATIONS, 2011, vol. 187, p. 56-63.
Mab El Hamlaoui, Trojahn, Ca, Ebersold, Sa, et Coulette, Ba, « Towards an ontology-based approach for heterogeneous model matching », in CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2014, vol. 1236, p. 53-62.
T. Fissaa, Guermah, H., Hafiddi, H., Nassar, M., et Kriouile, A., « Towards an Ontology based Architecture for Context-Aware Services Composition », in 2014 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MULTIMEDIA COMPUTING AND SYSTEMS (ICMCS), 2014, p. 990-995.
F. Lachhab, Bakhouya, M., Ouladsine, R., et Essaaidi, M., « Towards an Intelligent Approach for Ventilation Systems Control using IoT and Big Data Technologies », in Procedia Computer Science, 2018, vol. 130, p. 926-931.
Ma Ayache, Erradi, Ma, Freisleben, Bb, et Khoumsi, Ac, « Towards an efficient policy evaluation process in multi-tenancy cloud environments », in CCSW 2016 - Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Cloud Computing Security Workshop, co-located with CCS 2016, 2016, p. 55-59.
M. Ayache, Erradi, M., Freisleben, B., et Khoumsi, A., « Towards an Efficient Policy Evaluation Process in Multi-Tenancy Cloud Environments », in CCSW'16: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2016 ACM CLOUD COMPUTING SECURITY WORKSHOP, 2016, p. 55-59.
F. Z. Trabelsi, Khtira, A., et B. Asri, E., « Towards an Approach of Recommendation in Business Processes Using Decision Trees », in Proceedings - 2021 International Symposium on Computer Science and Intelligent Controls, ISCSIC 2021, 2021, p. 341-347.
A. Haqiq et Bounabat, B., « Towards an approach for behavioral specification of Reactive Multi-Agent system », in 2015 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY AND ACCESSIBILITY (ICTA), 2015.
A. Haqiq et Bounabat, B., « Towards an approach for behavioral specification of reactive multi-agent system », in 2015 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology and Accessibility, ICTA 2015, 2015.
Ba Chabibi, Anwar, Ab, et Nassar, Ma, « Towards an alignment of SysML and simulation tools », in Proceedings of IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, AICCSA, 2016, vol. 2016-July.
I. Dehmouch, « Towards an Agile Feature Composition for a Large Scale Software Product Lines », in 2014 IEEE EIGHTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RESEARCH CHALLENGES IN INFORMATION SCIENCE (RCIS), 2014.
A. Idri, Griech, B., et A Iraki, E., « Towards an adaptation of the COCOMO cost model to the software measurement theory », in SOFTWARE ENGINEERING - ESEC/FSE `97, 1997, vol. 1301, p. 525-526.
Y. E. Ouatiti et Kerzazi, N., « Towards Amazon Fake Reviewers Detection: The Effect of Bulk Users », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2020, p. 7-12.




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