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Conference Paper
L. Fath-Allah, Cheikhi, L., Al-Qutaish, R. E., et Idri, A., « A Mapping Between a BP model and an E-government Portals' Maturity Model », in 2016 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRICAL AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES (ICEIT), 2016, p. 326-331.
Aa Fath-Allah, Cheikhi, La, Al-Qutaish, R. Eb, et Idri, Aa, « A mapping between a BP model and an e-government portals' maturity model », in Proceedings of 2016 International Conference on Electrical and Information Technologies, ICEIT 2016, 2016, p. 328-333.
A. Azougaghe, Oualhaj, O. A., Hedabou, M., Belkasmi, M., et Kobbane, A., « Many-to-one matching game towards secure virtual machines migration in cloud computing », in 2016 International Conference on Advanced Communication Systems and Information Security, ACOSIS 2016 - Proceedings, 2017.
B. Assila, Kobbane, A., et M. Koutbi, E., « A Many-To-One Matching Game Approach to Achieve Low-Latency Exploiting Fogs and Caching », in 2018 9th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security, NTMS 2018 - Proceedings, 2018, vol. 2018-January, p. 1-2.
M. Amine, Walid, A., Kobbane, A., et Cherkaoui, S., « A many-to-many matching game in ultra-dense LTE HetNets », in 2017 13th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, IWCMC 2017, 2017, p. 1245-1250.
H. Sbai, Fredj, M., Chakir, B., et Kjiri, L., « On managing evolution of configurable services based on configurable processes », in 2014 SECOND WORLD CONFERENCE ON COMPLEX SYSTEMS (WCCS), 2014, p. 616-621.
H. Sbaï, Fredj, M., Chakir, B., et Kjiri, L., « On managing evolution of configurable services based on configurable processes », in 2014 2nd World Conference on Complex Systems, WCCS 2014, 2014, p. 616-621.
N. Attaoui, Essaaidi, M., Ca), M. Paprzycki, et Ganzha, M., « Malicious Workers Tolerance in an Agent-Based Grid Resource Brokering System - Preliminary Considerations (Short Paper) », in 2014 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE AND COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE (CSCI), VOL 2, 2014, p. 233-236.
Na Attaoui, Essaaidi, Mb, Paprzycki, Mc, et Ganzha, Mc, « Malicious workers tolerance in an agent-based grid resource brokering system - Preliminary considerations », in Proceedings - 2014 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence, CSCI 2014, 2014, vol. 2, p. 233-236.
K. Mrhar, Zary, N., et Abik, M., « Making MOOCs matter in formal education through a federating environment », in Proceedings of the European Conference on e-Learning, ECEL, 2017, vol. 2010-October, p. 557-565.
M. Boukadidi, « Make or buy decision making for telcos towards an Intelligent Transaction Cost Economics (TCE) Support System », in International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, ISDA, 2016, vol. 2016-June, p. 7-13.
S. Labghough, Ayoub, F., et Belkasmi, M., « Majority logic coding schemes performance over FSO channels », in 2016 International Conference on Advanced Communication Systems and Information Security, ACOSIS 2016 - Proceedings, 2017.
C. Miloudi, Cheikhi, L., Abran, A., et Idri, A., « Maintenance Effort Estimation for Open Source Software: Current trends », in CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2022, vol. 3272.
E. M. Mejjatti, Habbani, A., et F. Bouanani, E., « A Magnetic Coupling-Based Technique for Buried Antenna's Frequency Adjustment in Wet Soil », in Proceedings - 4th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technologies and Networking, CommNet 2021, 2021.
D. Najima et Rachida, A., « MADAR learning: An interoperable environment for E&M learning », in 2010 IEEE Education Engineering Conference, EDUCON 2010, 2010, p. 1691-1696.
H. Bousqaoui, Achchab, S., et Tikito, K., « Machine learning applications in supply chains: An emphasis on neural network applications », in Proceedings of 2017 International Conference of Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications, CloudTech 2017, 2018, vol. 2018-January, p. 1-7.
H. Bouijij et Berqia, A., « Machine Learning Algorithms Evaluation for Phishing URLs Classification », in 2021 4th International Symposium on Advanced Electrical and Communication Technologies, ISAECT 2021, 2021.
H. Ben Hafaiedh, I. Korbi, E., Saidane, L. A., et Kobbane, A., « LTE-U and WiFi coexistence in the 5 GHz unlicensed spectrum: A survey », in PEMWN 2017 - 6th IFIP International Conference on Performance Evaluation and Modeling in Wired and Wireless Networks, 2018, vol. 2018-January, p. 1-7.
A. Khiyaita, Bakkali, H. E., Zbakh, M., et Kettani, D. E., « Load balancing cloud computing: State of art », in Proceedings of the 2nd National Days of Network Security and Systems, JNS2 2012, 2012, p. 106-109.
A. Annouch, Bouyahyaoui, K., et Bellabdaoui, A., « A literature review on the full truckload vehicle routing problems », in PROCEEDINGS OF THE 3RD IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LOGISTICS OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT (GOL'16), 2016.
A. Annouch, Bouyahyaoui, K., et Bellabdaoui, A., « A literature review on the full trackload vehicle routing problems », in Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Logistics Operations Management, GOL 2016, 2016.
La Oufkir, Fredj, Mb, et Kassou, Ib, « Linking knowledge management valuation to intellectual capital: A conceptual study », in 2013 3rd International Symposium ISKO-Maghreb, 2013.
L. Oufkir, Fredj, M., et Kassou, I., « Linking Knowledge Management Valuation to Intellectual Capital: a conceptual study », in 2013 3RD INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ISKO-MAGHREB, 2013.
M. Nejja et Yousfi, A., « A Lightweight System for Correction of Arabic Derived Words », in PROCEEDINGS OF THE MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES 2015, VOL 1, 2016, vol. 380, p. 131-138.
O. Cherqi, Hammouchi, H., Ghogho, M., et Benbrahim, H., « Leveraging Open Threat Exchange (OTX) to Understand Spatiooral Trends of Cyber Threats: Covid-19 Case Study », in Proceedings - 2021 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics, ISI 2021, 2021.




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