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F. Ayoub, Belkasmi, M., et Chana, I., « Iterative decoding of generalized parallel concatenated OSMLD codes », Applied Mathematical Sciences, vol. 4, p. 2021-2038, 2010.
M. A. Marhraoui et Manouar, A. E., « IT-enabled organizational agility –proposition of a new framework », Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, vol. 95, p. 5431-5442, 2017.
D. Chikhaoui et Bounabat, B., « It collaboration actor-network diagnostic using sna, application on suppliers management », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2018.
A. Idri, Bachiri, M., Fernandez-Aleman, J. L., et Toval, A., « ISO/IEC 25010 Based Evaluation of Free Mobile Personal Health Records for Pregnancy Monitoring », in Proceedings - International Computer Software and Applications Conference, 2017, vol. 1, p. 262-267.
H. Ohmaid, Eddarouich, S., Bourouhou, A., et Timouyas, M., « Iris segmentation using a new unsupervised neural approach », IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence, vol. 9, p. 58-64, 2020.
Z. Labbi, Senhadji, M., Maarof, A., et Belkasmi, M., « IoT smart homes based on RFID technology: Localization systems review », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2018.
F. Zahra Fagroud, Ajallouda, L., Ben Lahmar, E. Habib, Toumi, H., Achtaich, K., et Filali, S. El, « IOT Search Engines: Exploratory Data Analysis », Procedia Computer Science, vol. 175, p. 572-577, 2020.
F. Z. Fagroud, Ajallouda, L., Lahmar, E. H. B., Toumi, H., Achtaich, K., et S. Filali, E., « IoT search engines: Exploratory data analysis », in Procedia Computer Science, 2020, vol. 175, p. 572-577.
A. Ismaili-Alaoui, Baina, K., et Benali, K., « IoDEP: Towards an IoT-Data Analysis and Event Processing Architecture for Business Process Incident Management », International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, vol. 13, p. 900-915, 2022.
K. A. AlAfandy, Omara, H., Lazaar, M., et Achhab, M. A., « Investment of classic deep CNNs and SVM for classifying remote sensing images », Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems, vol. 5, p. 652-659, 2020.
O. Aoun, Sarhani, M., et A. Afia, E., « Investigation of hidden markov model for the tuning of metaheuristics in airline scheduling problems », IFAC-PapersOnLine, vol. 49, p. 347-352, 2016.
A. Idri, Khoshgoftaar, T. M., et Abran, A., « Investigating soft computing in case-based reasoning for software cost estimation », ENGINEERING INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMMUNICATIONS, vol. 10, p. 147-157, 2002.
E. B. Ouassif, Idri, A., et Hosni, M., « Investigating Accuracy and Diversity in Heterogeneous Ensembles for Breast Cancer Classification », Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), vol. 12950 LNCS, p. 263-281, 2021.
N. Boumkheld, Ghogho, M., et M. Koutbi, E., « Intrusion detection system for the detection of blackhole attacks in a smart grid », in 2016 4th International Symposium on Computational and Business Intelligence, ISCBI 2016, 2016, p. 108-111.
N. Boumkheld, Ghogho, M., et Koutbi, M. El, « Intrusion Detection System for the Detection of Blackhole Attacks in a Smart Grid », in 2016 4TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTATIONAL AND BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE (ISCBI), 2016, p. 108-111.
N. Boumkheld et M. Koutbi, E., « Intrusion detection system based on a deterministic finite automaton for smart grid systems », Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 887, p. 203-211, 2019.
B. C. Youssef, Nada, M., Elmehdi, B., et Boubker, R., « Intrusion detection in cloud computing based attacks patterns and risk assessment », in Proceedings - 2016 3rd International Conference on Systems of Collaboration, SysCo 2016, 2017.
K. Amarouche, Akrouchi, M. El, Benbrahim, H., et Kassou, I., « Introduction to Competitive Intelligence: Process, Applications and Tools », in INNOVATION MANAGEMENT AND EDUCATION EXCELLENCE VISION 2020: FROM REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT SUSTAINABILITY TO GLOBAL ECONOMIC GROWTH, VOLS I - VI, 2016, p. 2876-2885.
K. Amarouche, M. Akrouchi, E., Benbrahim, H., et Kassou, I., « Introduction to competitive intelligence: Process, applications and tools », in Proceedings of the 27th International Business Information Management Association Conference - Innovation Management and Education Excellence Vision 2020: From Regional Development Sustainability to Global Economic Growth, IBIMA 2016, 2016, p. 2876-2885.
E. A. Afia, Faizi, R., et García, S., « Introduction », International Journal of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies, vol. 13, p. 1-2, 2021.
H. Hakkoum, Abnane, I., et Idri, A., « Interpretability in the medical field: A systematic mapping and review study », Applied Soft Computing, vol. 117, 2022.
A. Zeddari et Ettalbi, A., « Interoperability Plug-in between Petri Networks and SQL », INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND NETWORK SECURITY, vol. 16, p. 117-123, 2016.
N. A. Alrajeh, Elmir, B., Bounabat, B., et Hami, N. El, « Interoperability optimization in healthcare collaboration networks », BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING-BIOMEDIZINISCHE TECHNIK, vol. 57, p. 403-411, 2012.
N. A. Alrajeh, Elmir, B., Bounabat, B., et Hami, N. E., « Interoperability optimization in healthcare collaboration networks », Biomedizinische Technik, vol. 57, p. 403-411, 2012.
B. Elmir, Alrajeh, N., et Bounabat, B., « Interoperability Monitoring for eGovernment Service Delivery Based on Enterprise Architecture. », Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Management & Evaluation, p. 169 - 180, 2011.




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