
Export 2330 results:
L. Bariah, Muhaidat, S., Sofotasios, P. C., Bouanani, F. E., Dobre, O. A., et Hamouda, W., « Large intelligent surface-assisted nonorthogonal multiple access for 6G networks: Performance analysis », IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 8, p. 5129-5140, 2021.
O. Cherqi, Hammouchi, H., Ghogho, M., et Benbrahim, H., « Leveraging Open Threat Exchange (OTX) to Understand Spatiooral Trends of Cyber Threats: Covid-19 Case Study », in Proceedings - 2021 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics, ISI 2021, 2021.
A. El M. Hadj, Khoumsi, A., Benkaouz, Y., et Erradi, M., « A Log-Based Method to Detect and Resolve Efficiently Conflicts in Access Control Policies », Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 1383 AISC, p. 836-846, 2021.
H. Bouijij et Berqia, A., « Machine Learning Algorithms Evaluation for Phishing URLs Classification », in 2021 4th International Symposium on Advanced Electrical and Communication Technologies, ISAECT 2021, 2021.
Z. Jeddi, Gryech, I., Ghogho, M., Hammoumi, M. E. L., et Mahraoui, C., « Machine learning for predicting the risk for childhood asthma using prenatal, perinatal, postnatal and environmental factors », Healthcare (Switzerland), vol. 9, 2021.
E. M. Mejjatti, Habbani, A., et F. Bouanani, E., « A Magnetic Coupling-Based Technique for Buried Antenna's Frequency Adjustment in Wet Soil », in Proceedings - 4th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technologies and Networking, CommNet 2021, 2021.
A. Abouaomar, Cherkaoui, S., Mlika, Z., et Kobbane, A., « Mean-Field Game and Reinforcement Learning MEC Resource Provisioning for SFC », in 2021 IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM 2021 - Proceedings, 2021.
A. Elmouatamid, NaitMalek, Y., Ouladsine, R., Bakhouya, M., N. kamoun, E., Khaidar, M., et Zine-Dine, K., « A MicroGrid System Infrastructure Implementing IoT/Big-Data Technologies for Efficient Energy Management in Buildings », Green Energy and Technology, p. 571-600, 2021.
E. K. Bouyahyiouy et Bellabdaoui, A., « A mixed-integer linear programming model for the selective full-truckload multi-depot vehicle routing problem with time windows », Decision Science Letters, vol. 10, p. 471-486, 2021.
M. Kharbouch, Idri, A., Rachad, T., Alami, H., Redman, L., et Stelate, Y., « Mobile Technology for Improved Contraceptive Care in Morocco », Journal of Medical Systems, vol. 45, 2021.
M. E. Hamlaoui, Ebersold, S., Bennani, S., Anwar, A., Dkaki, T., Nassar, M., et Coulette, B., « Model-driven Approach To Align Heterogeneous Models Of A Complex System », Journal of Object Technology, vol. 20, p. 1-24, 2021.
F. Walid, S. Fkihi, E., Benbrahim, H., et Tagemouati, H., « Modeling and optimization of anaerobic digestion: A review », in E3S Web of Conferences, 2021, vol. 229.
Y. Baddi, Anass, S., Zkik, K., Maleh, Y., Mohammed, B., et Dafir, E. - C. El Kettani, « MSDN-GKM: Software Defined Networks Based Solution for Multicast Transmission with Group Key Management », Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol. 919, p. 373-396, 2021.
M. A. Ahajjam, Essayeh, C., Ghogho, M., et Kobbane, A., « On Multi-Label Classification for Non-Intrusive Load Identification using Low Sampling Frequency Datasets », in Conference Record - IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, 2021, vol. 2021-May.
C. Benjbara, Mouchfiq, N., et Habbani, A., « Multipathing communication in heterogeneous ad hoc network », Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 1184, p. 270-278, 2021.
H. A. I. T. Abdelali, Derrouz, H., Zennayi, Y., Thami, R. O. H., et Bourzeix, F., « Multiple hypothesis detection and tracking using deep learning for video traffic surveillance », IEEE Access, vol. 9, p. 164282-164291, 2021.
Y. N. Malek, Najib, M., Bakhouya, M., et Essaaidi, M., « Multivariate deep learning approach for electric vehicle speed forecasting », Big Data Mining and Analytics, vol. 4, p. 56-64, 2021.
F. E. Boujida, Amazal, F. A., et Idri, A., « Neural networks based software development effort estimation: A systematic mapping study », in Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Software Technologies, ICSOFT 2021, 2021, p. 102-110.
Y. Mouchtak et F. Bouanani, E., « New accurate approximation for average error probability », IEEE Access, vol. 9, p. 4388-4397, 2021.
M. C. Semmouni, Azougaghe, A., Nitaj, A., et Belkasmi, M., « A New Electronic Voting System Based on Elliptic Curve in a Cloud Computing Environment », Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 1383 AISC, p. 768-778, 2021.
S. L. Aouragh, Yousfi, A., Laaroussi, S., Gueddah, H., et Nejja, M., « A new estimate of the n-gram language model », in Procedia CIRP, 2021, vol. 189, p. 211-215.
S. Bouzbita, Afia, A. E., et Faizi, R., « A New Hidden Markov Model Approach for Pheromone Level Exponent Adaptation in Ant Colony System », Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol. 906, p. 253-267, 2021.
M. Fdaili, Essadki, A., Kharchouf, I., et Nasser, T., « Noncontrolled fault current limiter with reactive power support for transient stability improvement of DFIG-based variable speed wind generator during grid faults », International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, vol. 31, 2021.
F. Achakir, S. Fkihi, E., et Mouaddib, E. M., « Non-Model-Based approach for complete digitization by TLS or mobile scanner », ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, vol. 178, p. 314-327, 2021.
E. Y. Dari, Bendahmane, A., et Essaaidi, M., « A novel approach for COVID-19 outbreak spread monitoring and control using smart grid technology », International Journal of Security and Networks, vol. 16, p. 112-116, 2021.




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