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Conference Paper
M. Bernatchou, Ouzayd, F., Bellabdaoui, A., et Hamdaoui, M., « Towards a simulation model of an outpatient chemotherapy unit », in 2017 International Colloquium on Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Competitiveness and Innovation in Automobile and Aeronautics Industries, LOGISTIQUA 2017, 2017, p. 177-182.
A. Misbah et Ettalbi, A., « Towards a standard WSDL implementation of Multiview Web services », in International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems -Proceedings, 2017, p. 195-199.
K. A. Kedji, That, M. T. T., Coulette, B., Lbath, R., Tran, H. N., et Nassar, M., « Towards a tool-supported approach for collaborative process modeling and enactment », in Proceedings - Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, APSEC, 2011, p. 414-421.
F. Zahra Hammani, Rhanoui, M., et Asri, B. El, « Towards a Variable Non-Functional Requirements Integration for Component-Based Product Line », in 2014 SECOND WORLD CONFERENCE ON COMPLEX SYSTEMS (WCCS), 2014, p. 146-151.
F. Z. Hammani, Rhanoui, M., et B. Asri, E., « Towards a variable non-functional requirements integration for component-based product line: A generic approach », in 2014 2nd World Conference on Complex Systems, WCCS 2014, 2014, p. 146-151.
Y. E. Ouatiti et Kerzazi, N., « Towards Amazon Fake Reviewers Detection: The Effect of Bulk Users », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2020, p. 7-12.
A. Idri, Griech, B., et A Iraki, E., « Towards an adaptation of the COCOMO cost model to the software measurement theory », in SOFTWARE ENGINEERING - ESEC/FSE `97, 1997, vol. 1301, p. 525-526.
I. Dehmouch, « Towards an Agile Feature Composition for a Large Scale Software Product Lines », in 2014 IEEE EIGHTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RESEARCH CHALLENGES IN INFORMATION SCIENCE (RCIS), 2014.
Ba Chabibi, Anwar, Ab, et Nassar, Ma, « Towards an alignment of SysML and simulation tools », in Proceedings of IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, AICCSA, 2016, vol. 2016-July.
A. Haqiq et Bounabat, B., « Towards an approach for behavioral specification of Reactive Multi-Agent system », in 2015 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY AND ACCESSIBILITY (ICTA), 2015.
A. Haqiq et Bounabat, B., « Towards an approach for behavioral specification of reactive multi-agent system », in 2015 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology and Accessibility, ICTA 2015, 2015.
F. Z. Trabelsi, Khtira, A., et B. Asri, E., « Towards an Approach of Recommendation in Business Processes Using Decision Trees », in Proceedings - 2021 International Symposium on Computer Science and Intelligent Controls, ISCSIC 2021, 2021, p. 341-347.
M. Ayache, Erradi, M., Freisleben, B., et Khoumsi, A., « Towards an Efficient Policy Evaluation Process in Multi-Tenancy Cloud Environments », in CCSW'16: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2016 ACM CLOUD COMPUTING SECURITY WORKSHOP, 2016, p. 55-59.
Ma Ayache, Erradi, Ma, Freisleben, Bb, et Khoumsi, Ac, « Towards an efficient policy evaluation process in multi-tenancy cloud environments », in CCSW 2016 - Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Cloud Computing Security Workshop, co-located with CCS 2016, 2016, p. 55-59.
F. Lachhab, Bakhouya, M., Ouladsine, R., et Essaaidi, M., « Towards an Intelligent Approach for Ventilation Systems Control using IoT and Big Data Technologies », in Procedia Computer Science, 2018, vol. 130, p. 926-931.
T. Fissaa, Guermah, H., Hafiddi, H., Nassar, M., et Kriouile, A., « Towards an Ontology based Architecture for Context-Aware Services Composition », in 2014 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MULTIMEDIA COMPUTING AND SYSTEMS (ICMCS), 2014, p. 990-995.
Mab El Hamlaoui, Trojahn, Ca, Ebersold, Sa, et Coulette, Ba, « Towards an ontology-based approach for heterogeneous model matching », in CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2014, vol. 1236, p. 53-62.
B. En-Nasry et Kettani, M. Dafir Ech-, « Towards an Open Framework for Mobile Digital Identity Management through Strong Authentication Methods », in SECURE AND TRUST COMPUTING, DATA MANAGEMENT, AND APPLICATIONS, 2011, vol. 187, p. 56-63.
L. Ben Hiba et Idrissi, M. A. Janati, « Towards an SNA-BI based support system for the structural evaluation of project virtual teams », in 2013 8th International Conference on Intelligent Systems: Theories and Applications, SITA 2013, 2013.
L. Ben Hiba et Idrissi, M. Abdou Jana, « Towards an SNA-BI based support system for the structural evaluation of project virtual teams », in 2013 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS: THEORIES AND APPLICATIONS (SITA), 2013.
I. Khriss, Koutbi, M. E., et Dkiouak, Y., « Towards change and verification support in collaborative business processes », in Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on Complex Systems, ICCS 2012, 2012.
M. Rhanoui et Asri, B. E., « Towards contract-based approach for quality-driven Service Component Architecture », in 2nd International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology, INTECH 2012, 2012, p. 377-384.
M. Rhanoui et Asri, B. El, « Towards Contract-Based Approach for Quality-Driven Service Component Architecture », in 2012 SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INNOVATIVE COMPUTING TECHNOLOGY (INTECH), 2012, p. 377-384.
S. Sadki et H. Bakkali, E., « Towards controlled-privacy in e-health: A comparative study », in International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems -Proceedings, 2014, p. 674-679.
S. Sadki et Bakkali, H. El, « Towards controlled-privacy in e-health: A comparative study », in 2014 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MULTIMEDIA COMPUTING AND SYSTEMS (ICMCS), 2014, p. 680-685.




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