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Conference Paper
S. El Manar E. Bouanani et Kassou, I., « Using lexicometry and vocabulary analysis techniques to detect a signature for web profile », in 2013 IEEE/ACM INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN SOCIAL NETWORKS ANALYSIS AND MINING (ASONAM), 2013, p. 1494-1498.
L. Oufkir, Fredj, M., et Kassou, I., « Towards A Reference Model for Knowledge Management Performance Measurement », in INNOVATION MANAGEMENT AND EDUCATION EXCELLENCE VISION 2020: FROM REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT SUSTAINABILITY TO GLOBAL ECONOMIC GROWTH, VOLS I - VI, 2016, p. 2744-2755.
F. Zahra Lahlou, Mountassir, A., Benbrahim, H., et Kassou, I., « A Text Classification Based Method for Context Extraction from Online Reviews », in 2013 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS: THEORIES AND APPLICATIONS (SITA), 2013.
K. Amarouche, Benbrahim, H., et Kassou, I., « Product Opinion Mining for Competitive Intelligence », in INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED WIRELESS INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES (AWICT 2015), 2015, vol. 73, p. 358-365.
R. Elmeziane, Berrada, I., et Kassou, I., « A New Artificial Immune System for the Detection of Abnormal Behaviour », in SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, NETWORKING AND PARALLEL/DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING, 2008, vol. 149, p. 113-122.
L. Oufkir, Fredj, M., et Kassou, I., « Linking Knowledge Management Valuation to Intellectual Capital: a conceptual study », in 2013 3RD INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ISKO-MAGHREB, 2013.
L. Oufkir, Fredj, M., et Kassou, I., « Knowledge Management Performance Measurement: A Generic Framework », in DATABASES AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS, DB&IS 2016, 2016, vol. 615, p. 242-254.
K. Amarouche, Akrouchi, M. El, Benbrahim, H., et Kassou, I., « Introduction to Competitive Intelligence: Process, Applications and Tools », in INNOVATION MANAGEMENT AND EDUCATION EXCELLENCE VISION 2020: FROM REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT SUSTAINABILITY TO GLOBAL ECONOMIC GROWTH, VOLS I - VI, 2016, p. 2876-2885.
H. Machhour et Kassou, I., « Improving text categorization A fully automated ontology based approach », in 2013 THIRD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (ICCIT), 2013, p. 67-72.
F. Zahra Lahlou, Benbrahim, H., et Kassou, I., « Improving Recommendations Using Context from Users' Reviews », in INNOVATION MANAGEMENT AND EDUCATION EXCELLENCE VISION 2020: FROM REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT SUSTAINABILITY TO GLOBAL ECONOMIC GROWTH, VOLS I - VI, 2016, p. 3312-3315.
H. Benbrahim, Khalaf, I., et Kassou, I., « An Example of a Big Data Solution Implementation », in INNOVATION MANAGEMENT AND EDUCATION EXCELLENCE VISION 2020: FROM REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT SUSTAINABILITY TO GLOBAL ECONOMIC GROWTH, VOLS I - VI, 2016, p. 3263-3265.
M. El Akrouchi, Benbrahim, H., et Kassou, I., « Early Warning Signs Detection in Competitive Intelligence », in INNOVATION VISION 2020: FROM REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT SUSTAINABILITY TO GLOBAL ECONOMIC GROWTH, VOL I-VI, 2015, p. 1014-1024.
H. Machhour et Kassou, I., « Dynamic Text Classifier based on Search Engine Features », in 2013 3RD INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ISKO-MAGHREB, 2013.
F. Zahra Lahlou, Benbrahimand, H., Mountassir, A., et Kassou, I., « Context Extraction from Reviews for Context Aware Recommendation Using Text Classification Techniques », in 2013 ACS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS (AICCSA), 2013.
S. El Manar E. Bouanani et Kassou, I., « An approach using Intertextual Distance to detect Web Messages Authors », in 2013 3RD INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ISKO-MAGHREB, 2013.



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