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H. Benbrahim, Khalaf, I., et Kassou, I., « An Example of a Big Data Solution Implementation », in INNOVATION MANAGEMENT AND EDUCATION EXCELLENCE VISION 2020: FROM REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT SUSTAINABILITY TO GLOBAL ECONOMIC GROWTH, VOLS I - VI, 2016, p. 3263-3265.
F. Zahra Lahlou, Benbrahim, H., et Kassou, I., « Improving Recommendations Using Context from Users' Reviews », in INNOVATION MANAGEMENT AND EDUCATION EXCELLENCE VISION 2020: FROM REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT SUSTAINABILITY TO GLOBAL ECONOMIC GROWTH, VOLS I - VI, 2016, p. 3312-3315.
K. Amarouche, Akrouchi, M. El, Benbrahim, H., et Kassou, I., « Introduction to Competitive Intelligence: Process, Applications and Tools », in INNOVATION MANAGEMENT AND EDUCATION EXCELLENCE VISION 2020: FROM REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT SUSTAINABILITY TO GLOBAL ECONOMIC GROWTH, VOLS I - VI, 2016, p. 2876-2885.
L. Oufkir, Fredj, M., et Kassou, I., « Knowledge Management Performance Measurement: A Generic Framework », in DATABASES AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS, DB&IS 2016, 2016, vol. 615, p. 242-254.
L. Oufkir, Fredj, M., et Kassou, I., « Towards A Reference Model for Knowledge Management Performance Measurement », in INNOVATION MANAGEMENT AND EDUCATION EXCELLENCE VISION 2020: FROM REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT SUSTAINABILITY TO GLOBAL ECONOMIC GROWTH, VOLS I - VI, 2016, p. 2744-2755.
M. El Akrouchi, Benbrahim, H., et Kassou, I., « Early Warning Signs Detection in Competitive Intelligence », in INNOVATION VISION 2020: FROM REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT SUSTAINABILITY TO GLOBAL ECONOMIC GROWTH, VOL I-VI, 2015, p. 1014-1024.
K. Amarouche, Benbrahim, H., et Kassou, I., « Product Opinion Mining for Competitive Intelligence », in INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED WIRELESS INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES (AWICT 2015), 2015, vol. 73, p. 358-365.
S. El Manar E. Bouanani et Kassou, I., « An approach using Intertextual Distance to detect Web Messages Authors », in 2013 3RD INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ISKO-MAGHREB, 2013.
F. Zahra Lahlou, Benbrahimand, H., Mountassir, A., et Kassou, I., « Context Extraction from Reviews for Context Aware Recommendation Using Text Classification Techniques », in 2013 ACS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS (AICCSA), 2013.
H. Machhour et Kassou, I., « Dynamic Text Classifier based on Search Engine Features », in 2013 3RD INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ISKO-MAGHREB, 2013.
H. Machhour et Kassou, I., « Improving text categorization A fully automated ontology based approach », in 2013 THIRD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (ICCIT), 2013, p. 67-72.
L. Oufkir, Fredj, M., et Kassou, I., « Linking Knowledge Management Valuation to Intellectual Capital: a conceptual study », in 2013 3RD INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ISKO-MAGHREB, 2013.
F. Zahra Lahlou, Mountassir, A., Benbrahim, H., et Kassou, I., « A Text Classification Based Method for Context Extraction from Online Reviews », in 2013 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS: THEORIES AND APPLICATIONS (SITA), 2013.
S. El Manar E. Bouanani et Kassou, I., « Using lexicometry and vocabulary analysis techniques to detect a signature for web profile », in 2013 IEEE/ACM INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN SOCIAL NETWORKS ANALYSIS AND MINING (ASONAM), 2013, p. 1494-1498.
R. Elmeziane, Berrada, I., et Kassou, I., « A New Artificial Immune System for the Detection of Abnormal Behaviour », in SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, NETWORKING AND PARALLEL/DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING, 2008, vol. 149, p. 113-122.



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