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T. Zarra, Chiheb, R., Faizi, R., et Afia, A. E., « MOOCs' recommendation based on forum latent dirichlet allocation », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2018, p. 88-93.
I. Gryech, Ben-Aboud, Y., Guermah, B., Sbihi, N., Ghogho, M., et Kobbane, A., « Moreair: A low-cost urban air pollution monitoring system », Sensors (Switzerland), vol. 20, 2020.
M. A. Ahajjam, Licea, D. B., Essayeh, C., Ghogho, M., et Kobbane, A., « Mored: A moroccan buildings’ electricity consumption dataset », Energies, vol. 13, 2020.
M. M. E. El Aichi, « Moroccan E-government ten years evolutions », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2012, p. 492-493.
R. Faizi, « Moroccan higher education students' and teachers' perceptions towards using Web 2.0 technologies in language learning and teaching », Knowledge Management and E-Learning, vol. 10, p. 86-96, 2018.
O. Bourja, Kabbaj, K., Derrouz, H., A. Bouziady, E., Thami, R. O. H., Zennayi, Y., et Bourzeix, F., « MoVITS: Moroccan Video Intelligent Transport System », in Colloquium in Information Science and Technology, CIST, 2018, vol. 2018-October, p. 502-507.
Ea Elgharbaoui, Essadki, Ab, et Nasser, Tc, « MPPT commands for a photovoltaic generator using the Incremental Conductance Method and the fuzzy logic command », in 2014 International Conference on Electrical Sciences and Technologies in Maghreb, CISTEM 2014, 2014.
E. Elgharbaoui, Essadki, A., et Nasser, T., « MPPT Commands for a photovoltaic generator using the Incremental Conductance Method and the fuzzy logic command », in 2014 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRICAL SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGIES IN MAGHREB (CISTEM), 2014.
Y. Baddi, Anass, S., Zkik, K., Maleh, Y., Mohammed, B., et Dafir, E. - C. El Kettani, « MSDN-GKM: Software Defined Networks Based Solution for Multicast Transmission with Group Key Management », Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol. 919, p. 373-396, 2021.
Y. Baddi, Sebbar, A., Zkik, K., Boulmalf, M., et Kettani, M. D. E. - C. El, « Msnd: Multicast software defined network based solution to multicast tree construction », Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), vol. 12293, p. 245-256, 2020.
Aa Aghmadi, Bouksim, Ia, Kobbane, Aa, et Taleb, Tb, « A MTC traffic generation and QCI priority-first scheduling algorithm over LTE », in International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications, WINCOM 2015, 2015.
A. Aghmadi, Bouksim, I., Kobbane, A., et Taleb, T., « A MTC Traffic Generation and QCI Priority-First Scheduling Algorithm over LTE », in 2015 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WIRELESS NETWORKS AND MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS (WINCOM), 2015, p. 11-16.
K. Ouaddi, Benadada, Y., et Mhada, F. - Z., « Multi period dynamic vehicles routing problem: literature review, modelization and resolution », in PROCEEDINGS OF THE 3RD IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LOGISTICS OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT (GOL'16), 2016.
K. Ouaddi, Benadada, Y., et Mhada, F. - Z., « Multi period dynamic vehicles routing problem: Literature review, modelization and resolution », in Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Logistics Operations Management, GOL 2016, 2016.
A. Filali, Abouaomar, A., Cherkaoui, S., Kobbane, A., et Guizani, M., « Multi-access edge computing: A survey », IEEE Access, vol. 8, p. 197017-197046, 2020.
S. Bourekkache, Kazar, O., et Abik, M., « Multi-agent approach for collaborative authoring and indexing of pedagogical materials », International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning, vol. 30, p. 255-275, 2020.
Na Adadi, Berrada, Ma, Chenouni, Da, et Bounabat, Bb, « Multi-agent architecture for business modeling of web services composition based on WS2JADE framework », International Review on Computers and Software, vol. 9, p. 1667-1674, 2014.
F. Fellir, A. Attar, E., Nafil, K., et Chung, L., « A multi-Agent based model for task scheduling in cloud-fog computing platform », in 2020 IEEE International Conference on Informatics, IoT, and Enabling Technologies, ICIoT 2020, 2020, p. 377-382.
E. M. Amrani, Benadada, Y., et Gendron, B., « Multi-capacitated Location Problem: A New Resolution Method Combining Exact and Heuristic Approaches Based on Set Partitioning », Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol. 774, p. 109-121, 2019.
M. Zbakh, Elmahdi, K., Cherkaoui, R., et Enniari, S., « A multi-criteria analysis of intrusion detection architectures in cloud environments », in Proceedings of 2015 International Conference on Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications, CloudTech 2015, 2015.
M. Zbakh, Elmahdi, K., Cherkaoui, R., et Enniari, S., « A multi-criteria analysis of intrusion detection architectures in cloud environments », in 2015 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CLOUD TECHNOLOGIES AND APPLICATIONS (CLOUDTECH 15), 2015, p. 87-95.
M. A. Marhraoui et Manouar, A. E., « Multi-criteria model for choosing organizational agility assessment method », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2018.
J. Oubaha, Habbani, A., et Elkoutbi, M., « Multi-criteria path optimization in MPLS networks », in 2010 5th International Symposium on I/V Communications and Mobile Networks, ISIVC 2010, 2010.
Ma Hanini, Haqiq, Abc d, et Berqia, Ae, Multicriteria queuing model to improve intra-user multi-flow qos in wireless cellular networks. 2013, p. 86-106.
K. Bouanane, Benadada, Y., et Bencheikh, G., « Multi-depots vehicle routing problem with simultaneous delivery and pickup and inventory restrictions: Formulation and resolution », International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, vol. 10, p. 110-120, 2019.




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